Mar 5, 2024

5 Essential Steps to Becoming a Better Writer

5 Essential Steps to Becoming a Better Writer
Discover the secrets to becoming a successful writer in 5 proven steps.
min read
Blaze Team
Blaze Team

To be a writer requires more than just a way with words; it’s about finding your voice, mastering a routine, and continually growing your skills. But beyond the romantic vision of a wordsmith lies the real challenge: understanding the hows. If you’re searching for a concrete path on how to be a writer, look no further. This no-nonsense guide will walk you through five essential steps to launch and nurture your writing career, helping you transform passion into profession and learn “how be a writer.”

Key Takeaways

  • Identify and immerse in your writing niche, like nonfiction or copywriting, to develop a unique voice and offer specialized content to your audience.
  • Establish a consistent writing routine with goals, an ideal writing time, and use productivity tools to increase your writing discipline and output.
  • Further your writing journey by enhancing your skills through education, practice, and connecting with the writing community, while building a professional portfolio and embracing the business aspects of writing.

Discover Your Writing Niche

A person typing on a laptop while surrounded by books and papers

Just as a sailor navigates the open seas, a writer must chart their course in the vast ocean of words. Identifying a writing niche is akin to choosing your vessel, vital for navigating the currents of the writing industry. Picture yourself exploring different niches — fiction, nonfiction, blogging, freelance writing — like islands of opportunity, each with unique treasures to offer. Once you’ve discovered your island — your niche — it’s time to immerse yourself in its culture. Start writing, create a blog, or produce samples that flaunt your unique style and voice.

Embarking on this voyage, let’s dive deeper into two prominent niches — Nonfiction Writing and Copywriting and Content Creation. These are like two bustling ports, each offering diverse opportunities for budding writers to anchor their talents and carve their own path in their writing careers.

Nonfiction Writing

Imagine you’re an explorer, stepping onto the shore of Nonfiction Writing. This island is a mosaic of diverse genres — journalism, instruction manuals, travel guides, and historical creative nonfiction, each with its unique charm. As you traverse this terrain, you’ll encounter creative nonfiction, a genre that employs literary techniques to narrate personal experiences, connecting them to broader human themes.

Venturing further, you’ll discover:

  • Literary journalism, where factual reporting weaves with a narrative style
  • Cultural criticism that delves deep into aspects beyond traditional boundaries
  • Personal essays and travel writing, which use the author’s life experiences and evocative prose to engage readers, offering intimate, thought-driven content.

Nonfiction writing is a versatile island, brimming with opportunities for writers eager to share true stories with their audience, as opposed to the work of a fiction writer in the realm of fiction writing.

Copywriting and Content Creation

Setting sail from the island of Nonfiction Writing, we reach the bustling port of Copywriting and Content Creation. Here, words are tools wielded to:

  • persuade and sell
  • weave attention-grabbing taglines
  • create compelling product descriptions
  • craft emotion-packed advertisements

As aspiring copywriters, you can hone your skills by listening to industry podcasts, undertaking courses, and specializing in areas like SEO, email, or brand copywriting. Storytelling, the heart of this island, creates connections with the audience and is a powerful tool for selling products or ideas.

On this island, your words become the compass guiding customers, making Copywriting and Content Creation an exciting niche for writers with a knack for persuasive writing.

Develop a Consistent Writing Routine

A desk calendar with crossed-out dates and a pen, symbolizing setting goals and deadlines for writing projects

Having discovered your writing niche, the next stage of your journey is to establish a consistent writing routine, the wind in your sails propelling you towards your writing goals. Picture yourself dedicating a fixed time each day to your craft, strengthening your writing habit and making it a natural part of your daily life. This routine, solidified by writing at the same time each day, can enhance your productivity and transform writing from an occasional activity into a regular ritual.

To navigate through this stage, let’s explore three key strategies: Setting Goals and Deadlines, Finding Your Ideal Writing Time, and Using Productivity Tools. These are like navigational aids, guiding you as you chart your course towards a successful writing career.

Set Goals and Deadlines

Setting goals is like marking destinations on your voyage — specific points you aim to reach at certain times. SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) for your writing projects can steer your journey with clarity and increase the likelihood of reaching your destinations.

You can define your writing goals by setting daily word count targets or completing certain tasks within predetermined days. Small writing goals, like composing 100 words or a page a day, can build a consistent writing habit, leading to completing larger projects like a book within a year.

Long-term writing objectives, like finishing a manuscript or getting published, should be divided into smaller milestones, each with its own deadline, to chart a clear path to success. Remember, every small achievement brings you closer to your ultimate destination — becoming a successful writer.

Find Your Ideal Writing Time

In the vast ocean of time, finding your ideal writing time is like discovering favorable winds that propel your ship forward with ease. Experimenting with different times of day for writing can help you discover when your productivity and creativity peak. For those who love writing, establishing a writing routine by committing to write at the same time each day can foster improved writing flow and success.

Choosing a writing time with minimal interruptions is critical to maintaining focus and being productive during writing sessions. It is essential to find a writing schedule that can be sustained over the long term, adapting it to your own schedule and commitments to avoid burnout, and reassessing when necessary due to changes in personal circumstances. With the right winds, your journey as a writer will be smoother and more enjoyable.

Use Productivity Tools

Just as a sailor equips their ship with navigational tools, a writer equips their routine with productivity tools. Using apps like RescueTime to track your writing productivity patterns can help identify the most effective writing schedule. Time blocking and minimizing interruptions by turning off notifications can significantly enhance your focus and productivity.

Writing apps like MS Word or Google Docs, along with grammar tools like Grammarly, streamline the writing process and ensure clarity of text. For capturing ideas and organizing research notes, tools like Evernote and OneNote offer versatile solutions. Daily tasks and long-term planning can be efficiently managed with tools like Todoist and a structured planner, while writing projects from inception to completion can be effectively handled with apps like Asana or

These tools are like your compass, map, and sextant, guiding you through your writing journey.

Enhance Your Writing Skills through Education and Practice

A person attending an online writing course and taking notes

Imagine the writer’s journey as a voyage of discovery, where the treasure is enhanced writing skill. The quest for improvement is unending — there’s always a new technique to learn, a trend to keep up with, and a skill to polish. The keys to this treasure chest are education and practice.

To unlock the chest and claim the treasure within, let’s delve into three avenues: Formal Education, Online Courses and Workshops, and Connecting with Fellow Writers. These avenues, like ancient trade routes, offer rich resources for writers eager to refine their craft and ascend the ranks in the writing industry.

Formal Education

As you sail towards the island of Formal Education, you’ll notice it’s not a requirement to anchor here to become a writer. However, a degree in English, journalism, or creative writing can provide a strong foundation in literary techniques and theory, which can enhance your writing career and help you become a professional writer.

Many writers choose to major in fields such as English Literature or Language, Creative Writing, Journalism, Technical Writing, Liberal Arts, and Humanities. Some even supplement their major with minors like Literature, Psychology, Marketing, Digital Media, History, or a Foreign Language to broaden their skillset. A Writing degree opens doors to a wide range of career paths, including traditional writing roles, leadership positions in various sectors, and entrepreneurial ventures.

Whether you choose to anchor at this island or not, remember, each writer’s journey is unique, and success awaits at every port.

Online Courses and Workshops

Setting sail from the island of Formal Education, we reach the bustling port of Online Courses and Workshops. Here, flexible learning opportunities tailored to one’s own writing are offered by platforms like MasterClass, Skillshare, and Udemy, with courses taught by renowned writers.

Online writing courses provide a nurturing environment to learn with other writers, allowing for setting clear, attainable goals and offering one-on-one feedback in a supportive class environment. The structured nature of online courses, complemented with various writing exercises, can help writers establish regular writing routines and experiment with new techniques. With access to experienced teachers around the world, online courses offer expert feedback, foster continuous learning, and help writers stay abreast of the latest market trends and industry changes.

On this island, every course is a treasure map, leading you towards enhancing your writing skills.

Connect with Fellow Writers

Drawing anchor at the island of Connecting with Fellow Writers, you’ll find a vibrant community of writers, editors, and industry professionals. Joining writing organizations such as the National Writers Union or attending events organized by the American Society of Journalists and Authors provides access to valuable networks and career opportunities.

Social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter aid in connecting with fellow writers to share experiences and receive feedback. Building relationships with other writers should be centered on genuine interaction and mutual support, understanding the value of consistent communication over time. Engaging in writing communities allows writers to learn from their peers and share insights, contributing to their growth as writers.

On this island, every interaction is a treasure, enriching your journey as a writer.

Build Your Writing Portfolio and Gain Experience

A person typing on a laptop with a cup of coffee, showcasing the creation of a personal website for writing portfolio

As you sail further into your writing career, it’s time to start mapping your achievements and experiences — building your writing portfolio. A focused writing portfolio is like a treasure chest showcasing your expertise in your chosen niche to attract potential clients.

To fill this treasure chest, let’s explore three key strategies: Publishing Your Work, Seeking Freelance Writing Jobs, and Creating a Personal Website. These are like prized jewels, each adding value to your portfolio and shining a light on your capabilities as a writer.

Publish Your Work

The island of Publishing Your Work is a place where aspiring writers can showcase their writing talents to the world. As a part of the writing community, aspiring fiction writers can submit their short stories to magazines and contests to build their portfolio and gain exposure.

Nonfiction writers can track submission opportunities by following specific editors on Twitter, staying informed when magazines are accepting pitches. There are many opportunities for nonfiction writers to get their work published, and compiling a list of relevant publications is a strategic starting point for submissions.

On this island, every published piece is a treasure, adding value to your portfolio, and marking an achievement on your writing journey.

Freelance Writing Jobs

The bustling port of Freelance Writing Jobs offers a wide range of writing opportunities. Freelance writing jobs can be found on various online job boards and platforms, serving as central hubs for both writers seeking work and clients needing writing services.

Specializing in a specific area can help freelance writers secure better-paying projects and establish themselves as experts, crucial for developing a professional reputation in the freelance writing industry. On this island, every job is a treasure, providing valuable experience and credibility in the writing industry.

Create a Personal Website

A personal website is like a treasure map, guiding potential clients to discover your writing talents. For freelance writers, a personal website should display writing samples, testimonials, and work processes to attract potential clients and showcase their portfolio.

Your website should have a well-structured design with dedicated sections for:

  • An author bio
  • Writing samples
  • Testimonials
  • A contact page

This will ensure easy navigation for visitors. It’s essential for a writer’s website to reflect their personality, list their credentials, provide a clear showcase of work, and a clear route to purchase their published books.

On this island, your website is the treasure chest, showcasing your writing treasures to the world.

Embrace the Business Side of Writing

A person networking with industry professionals at a writing conference

Just as every voyage requires funding and planning, every writing career requires a good grasp of business skills. The business side of writing involves promoting yourself and your work, networking with industry professionals, and managing finances and legalities.

To navigate through this stage, let’s explore three key strategies: Promoting Yourself and Your Work, Networking with Industry Professionals, and Managing Finances and Legalities. These are like navigational aids, guiding you as you chart your course towards a successful writing career.

Promote Yourself and Your Work

Promoting Yourself and Your Work is like telling the world about the treasures you’ve found on your voyage. Developing a personal brand as a writer is crucial for career success, and can be achieved through a professionally designed website featuring:

  • A tagline
  • Bio
  • Service overview
  • Writing samples
  • Contact info
  • Client testimonials

To effectively market oneself, engagement on social media platforms is essential. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Use Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to connect with potential clients and showcase your work.
  • Regularly update your online portfolio with new writing samples to increase visibility.
  • Promote your services directly by using specific labels like ‘freelance writer for hire’ in your bio or profile.
  • Connect with influencers in your industry for marketing opportunities and collaborations.
  • Network with other professionals to find new business opportunities.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively market yourself as a freelance writer.

On this island, every promotional effort is a beacon, attracting potential clients to your writing treasures.

Network with Industry Professionals

Networking with Industry Professionals is like joining a fleet of fellow voyagers. Attending industry events and conferences is an effective way for writers to:

  • Network
  • Learn about the latest trends
  • Connect with peers
  • Discover new opportunities

Networking with other writers, editors, and industry professionals can provide valuable insights and lead to new writing opportunities. Some ways to network include:

  • Attending writing conferences and workshops
  • Joining writing groups or organizations
  • Participating in online writing communities
  • Connecting with other writers and industry professionals on social media platforms

Collaborating with professional writers, including technical writer specialists, and industry professionals on projects or co-authoring works can also expand a writer’s network, create new opportunities, and help one become a better writer.

On this island, every connection is a treasure, enriching your journey as a writer.

Manage Finances and Legalities

Managing Finances and Legalities is like keeping your voyage funded and lawful. Understanding and managing contracts is a critical aspect of the business side of writing, which necessitates awareness of various contract types and their implications. Writers are generally bound to the terms of agreements they sign, underscoring the necessity of thoroughly reviewing and negotiating contracts to ensure fair terms and proper compensation.

Financial planning for writers is pivotal, including strategies such as building a cash reserve to act as a safety net during periods of reduced income or unexpected expenditures. On this island, every contract is a treasure map, guiding you towards a successful and sustainable writing career.


As our voyage comes to an end, we’re left with a treasure chest filled with invaluable insights, tools, and strategies to navigate the thrilling journey towards becoming a successful writer. From discovering your writing niche, developing a consistent routine, enhancing your skills, building a stellar portfolio, to embracing the business side of writing — each stage of the journey is a unique treasure. Remember, every writer’s journey is unique, every destination reachable, and every treasure within grasp. So, hoist your sails, chart your course, and embark on your writing journey. Your treasure awaits!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I start to be a writer?

To start your journey as a writer, begin by becoming a better reader and write every day. Consider joining a writing group and finding a place to receive honest critiques of your work. Happy writing!

How do I get a job as a writer?

To get a job as a writer, start by regularly checking job boards for interesting opportunities with decent pay. You can also explore business networking sites, social media, and pitch articles to magazines and online journals to increase your chances of landing a writing job. Good luck!

Can anyone become a writer?

Absolutely! Becoming a writer hinges on dedication and practice, rather than just innate talent. With effort and a passion for language, anyone can become a writer.

Do I need a degree to become a successful writer?

No, a degree is not a strict requirement to become a successful writer. Continuous learning, practice, and passion for writing are key to achieving success.

How can I establish a consistent writing routine?

To establish a consistent writing routine, set SMART goals, find your ideal writing time, and utilize productivity tools to stay focused and motivated. Consistency is key to achieving your writing goals!